Monday and Wednesday Ladies Doubles
Monday and Wednesday day morning doubles tennis organised by some of our lovely members.
We gather at the tennis courts and play for 1.5 to 2 hours in the morning and have coffee after. The games are very popular and we often have 4-6 courts all occupied.
Ladies (and gentlemen who are invited) of most skill levels are welcome. However, basic knowledge of tennis technique, scoring and rules are necessary. If you are a full beginner or just back to tennis after a long break, we recommend some tennis lessons before joining this group - click here for information on coaching.
Starting time changes each season (between 8.30am and 9.30am), so please contact Neisha Voot mangawhaitc.secretary@gmail.com before coming down to the courts and she can advise. To facilitate cancellations due to things such as weather or court repairs, you will be asked to share your email address and phone number with the group organiser and potentially others in the group.
If you are new and not sure, you are welcome to come and play one or two times with the ladies, without being a member (we ask for a gold coin contribution for balls), but after that you will need to contribute ball money and be a member of the club to play.

Since these games are privately organised, it has its own eclectic rules, this is so we get to mix around and play with different people in the time allowed. You can download the rules below: